University of California San Francisco

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Health And Science Topics
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Doctors Test Chest Pain Medication to Treat Hot Flashes

UCSF researchers tested nitroglycerin patches, an treatment for chest pain from coronary artery disease, for menopausal hot flashes. Short-term benefits were seen, but not long-term as some side effects occurred.

A Caucasian woman airs herself with a stack of papers and holds up her hair in order to cool down.

Scientists Discover a Deadly Brain Cancer’s Hidden Weakness

UCSF scientists have found that brain cancer glioblastoma can cause cognitive decline by affecting neural connections, but the epilepsy drug gabapentin shows promise in blocking this activity, offering hope for new treatments.

Microscopy of white connections between blue glioblastoma cells.

Does Your Vaccine Type Matter in the Battle Against COVID?

COVID vaccine efficacy varied by age, BMI, sex, and smoking status, with levels changing over six months in a UCSF-led study. Pfizer and Moderna had higher antibody responses than Johnson & Johnson at one month, but Johnson & Johnson overtook them at six months.

A health professional wearing a blue latex gloves delivers a COVID-19 vaccine in to a patient's shoulder.

UCSF Improves Care Options for Metastatic Gastrointestinal Cancer

UCSF Health’s surgical oncology team is a Bay Area leader in an innovative chemotherapy infusion pump used to treat patients with widely metastatic colorectal and bile duct cancers that have spread to the liver and are no longer considered operable.

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