University of California San Francisco

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Health And Science Topics
Campus Topics

The Cancer Breakthrough Boom

Engineered immune cells. Supercharged scans. Drug implants. Gene manipulators. Blood biopsies. Read how these breakthroughs are transforming cancer care.

Illustration of dark, ominous cells, with a person breaking through with growing flowers.

Two UCSF Researchers Win Pew Awards for Biomedical Science

Two UCSF scientists – James Gardner, MD, PhD, and Rebeca de Pavia Fróes Rocha, PhD – have received Pew awards for their work in immunology as part of a program that supports promising early-career investigators.

James Gardner (left) and Rebeca de Paiva Fróes Rocha (right).

Scientists Discover a Deadly Brain Cancer’s Hidden Weakness

UCSF scientists have found that brain cancer glioblastoma can cause cognitive decline by affecting neural connections, but the epilepsy drug gabapentin shows promise in blocking this activity, offering hope for new treatments.

Microscopy of white connections between blue glioblastoma cells.