University of California San Francisco

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Health And Science Topics
Campus Topics

A Remarkable “New” American

New Latthivongskorn, the first undocumented student at the UCSF School of Medicine, advocates for immigrant rights.

Photo of Jirayut Latthivongskorn at the UCSF Library.

Racism Aggravates Treatment-Resistant Asthma

Racial discrimination experienced by African-American children and young adults exacerbates a type of asthma known to be resistant to standard treatment, according to a study headed by researchers at UCSF.

UCSF Health Named 'Leader in LGBTQ Healthcare Equality'

UCSF Health has been named a 2017 “Leader in LGBTQ Healthcare Equality,” receiving a perfect score on the national Healthcare Equality Index, which was released by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation, the educational arm of the nation's largest LGBTQ civil rights organization.

New Multiple Sclerosis Drug, Backed by 40 Years of Research, Could Halt Disease

A newly approved drug that is the first to reflect the current scientific understanding of multiple sclerosis is holding new hope for the hundreds of thousands Americans living with the disease. It also highlights the importance of clinician scientists like UCSF’s Stephen Hauser who are working to transform research into cures for patients.

Researching How Stress Among Sexual Minorities Affects Health on Genetic Level

Researcher Annesa Flentje is looking at ways stress among sexual minorities – those whose sexual orientation, identity or practices differ from the majority – can affect physical and mental health, starting at the genetic level, with a particular focus of late on the effect of stress on HIV-positive men.