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Can Native Speakers Change Health Care in the Navajo Nation?

The two-year HEAL fellowship initiative operates in 10 countries but has a special focus on serving the Navajo Nation, which continues to suffer from the consequences of colonialism, including poor access to health care.

An indigenous woman wearing a surigcal mask stands outside a mobile clinic while talking to a patient in Ford Defiance.

Research Can Help to Protect Access to Abortion, Biden Secretary Says

U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra visited UCSF Pride Hall at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital to laud UCSF researchers, educators and clinical leaders for their leadership in reproductive health, as the Biden Administration seeks to preserve access to abortion care in post-Roe America.

Xavier Becerra (left) speaks to a crowd in a light-filled atrium at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hostpial. Daniel Grossman stands to his right. In the middle is a large orange banner with the UCSF expression that reads "Imagine. Create."

Genetic Discovery Reveals Who Can Benefit from Preterm Birth Therapy

In a first, scientists at UCSF and Stanford identified genetic variants that predict whether a patient is likely to respond to treatment for preterm birth. Screening for mutations could allow doctors to target medications to those most likely to benefit. No medication is currently available in the U.S. to treat preterm birth.

A Black pregnant woman sits comfortably on her couch at home and affectionately looks down at her growing stomach.

Could Bizarre Visual Symptoms Be a Telltale Sign of Alzheimer’s?

Early identification of posterior cortical atrophy (PCA) may have important implications for Alzheimer’s treatment. PCA patients struggle with visual impairments like judging distances, distinguishing between moving and stationary objects and completing tasks like writing and retrieving a dropped item.

A distorted image showing a group of people walking.