Research Faculty Asked to Rate Pre-Award Services in Emailed Survey

All active UCSF research faculty are invited to participate in a short survey to better understand their current level of satisfaction with the delivery of pre-award services.

The survey – officially called the Operational Excellence Pre-Award Faculty Satisfaction Baseline Questionnaire – will arrive in faculty email inboxes starting Monday, June 20. The survey will take about 10 minutes to complete and faculty is being encouraged to respond by July 1. 

Active research faculty is defined as any faculty member who has submitted a proposal in the Research Administration System since 2005.

The survey is aimed at establishing baseline information and metrics before the introduction of proposed changes in the administration of pre-award services. 

UCSF launched Operational Excellence in February 2010 to help improve the excellence and efficiency of key operational and administrative services while also realizing cost savings.

A critical OE component is the Faculty Oversight Committee, which is charged with ensuring that faculty needs are met as OE process improvements are contemplated and planned. Claire Brindis, DrPH, MPH, a member of the oversight committee, designed the survey.  The survey will be repeated periodically to assess OE efforts.

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