UCSF Mission Bay:

The blossoming of UCSF's Mission Bay, the largest expansion of biomedical research at any US university, is a great California success story placing San Francisco at the forefront of tackling health challenges worldwide. Keith Yamamoto, PhD, vice dean of the UCSF School of Medicine, told the San Francisco Chronicle editorial board during a recent visit to the campus that the buildings themselves were designed to maximize contact among researchers. "Perhaps the most ambitious project," the editorial board stated, "is one that the original planners had not envisaged. UCSF plans to build a $1 billion, 289-bed hospital on a 14-acre site adjacent to the Mission Bay campus that will be three facilities rolled into one: a children's hospital, a women's hospital and a cancer hospital." Related Links: A San Francisco Campus Rises San Francisco Chronicle, April 16, 2007 New UCSF Hospital Complex Planned at Mission Bay UCSF Today, April 2, 2007 Fact Sheet: Proposed Mission Bay Hospital Complex UCSF, March 29, 2007 UCSF Medical Center Names Dede Wilsey to Lead New Philanthropic Effort UCSF Today, February 1, 2007 UCSF Enters into Contract Negotiations with Architectural Firm for Mission Bay Hospital Complex UCSF Today, January 26, 2007 UCSF Mission Bay