New UCSF School of Nursing Dean appointed

By Rebecca Sladek Nowlis

Kathleen Dracup, RN, FNP, DNSc, FAAN, will be the new dean of the University of California, San Francisco School of Nursing effective March 27, 2000, subject to approval from the UCSF Board of Regents, UCSF Chancellor J. Michael Bishop announced recently.

Dracup has a long and distinguished career in the field of nursing.  Most recently the Lulu Wolf Hassenplug Professor of Nursing and Chair of the Acute Care Section within the School of Nursing at UCLA, she has played a leadership role in academics and professional circles for decades.

“Dr. Dracup has an outstanding reputation based on her stellar achievements as a teacher, researcher, and academic leader,” said Bishop.  “She has distinguished herself not only as an outstanding academician, but as a dedicated faculty member and leader within the University of California community since 1972.”

Dracup is nationally and internationally recognized as a prominent researcher in the care of patients with heart disease and the effects of the disease on spouses and other family members.  She has consulted extensively nationally and internationally in the areas of nursing research in intensive coronary care and changing models of nursing practice in tertiary care.

Her work with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Resources’ National Heart Attack Alert Program in 1997 provided the basis for educational strategies and national guidelines to prevent pre-hospital delay in patients at risk for acute myocardial infarction.  She has also helped shape the state of science in tertiary care through her efforts as editor of the American Journal of Critical Care and her involvement with many prestigious publications such as JAMA and the Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing.

Dracup received her Bachelors in Nursing degree from St. Xavier’s College in Chicago, Illinois, her Masters degree from UCLA, and her doctorate from the UCSF School of Nursing in 1982.  She has been honored by numerous professional associations and became a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing in 1983.  Dracup was the Helen Nahm Research Lecturer at UCSF in 1998 and has been honored for distinguished teaching by the UCLA School of Nursing.

Dracup will replace Marylin Dodd, associate dean of academic affairs, who has acted as the acting dean since June, 1999 when Jane Norbeck, RN, DNSc, FAAN, professor in the Department of Community Health Systems, stepped down from her 10-year tenure as Dean.