Graduation Marks Beginning of Careers to Advance Health Worldwide

2014 Grads Answer the Question: What is the Most Surprising Thing You Learned at UCSF?

By Louise Chu

For members of the Class of 2014, years of hard work, training and sacrifice are culminating this month as they graduate from UC San Francisco and embark on their careers in health and science.

About 900 students are earning degrees across the schools of Dentistry, Medicine, Nursing and Pharmacy, as well as the Graduate Division and Global Health Sciences.

As the next generation of health leaders moves forward, we asked some of them one last question:


What is the most surprising thing you learned at UCSF?

"How dedicated and committed my professors and mentors at UCSF were to my success. It is amazing just how much they believed in me and encouraged me to achieve beyond the goals I had initially envisioned for myself."

Kanizeh Visram
School of Pharmacy

"Going to the first-year prom with three buddies, wearing powder blue tuxes, feeling right at home and totally embraced by 150 new friends. One the most memorable nights of my life."

Andres Anaya 
School of Medicine


"My experiences at UCSF have met all my expectations in terms of training. What’s surprising was the wealth of colleagues, mentors and friends I’ve gained in the process, a network of connective support that will certainly be invaluable in the future."

Oliver Rollins
Graduate Division, Sociology

"I've always respected the opinions of experts and seasoned clinicians, but during my time at UCSF, I've also learned an incredible amount from fellow students and novice clinicians. Trainees offer a fresh perspective that's a valuable contribution to the health care team."

Rebecca Conroy
School of Nursing

"How willing people are to help you out. My PhD would not be possible without the numerous collaborations, and countless, frequently meandering, discussions with friends, colleagues, or just generally nice people."

Kartik Pattabiraman 
Graduate Division, Neuroscience


Student photos (except of Kanizeh Visram) by Susan Merrell