UCSF Names Work Group on Revenue Generation and Innovation

The UCSF Executive Budget Committee recently created the Work Group on Revenue Generation and Innovation, one of three groups which are advisory to the committee. The three work groups began meeting in early February and are anticipated to meet through June 2009. The chairs of each work group will regularly report to the Executive Budget Committee on their work groups’ progress and recommendations.

Work Group on Revenue Generation and Innovation

The charge of this work group is to explore and recommend revenue generation and innovation options. Suggested means by which this charge could be accomplished include:
  • Compiling a compendium of revenue generation ideas
  • Identifying possible innovations where investment would generate a return
  • Evaluating strategies for new or improved cost recovery
  • Developing a plan to optimize and leverage UCSF’s financial strength


John Featherstone, co-chair – dean, School of Dentistry Mary Anne Koda-Kimble, co-chair – dean, School of Pharmacy Susan Autry – executive director, Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) Jeff Bluestone – interim vice chancellor, Office of Research Deborah Brennan – assistant chancellor, Office of the Chancellor Steven Cheung – associate professor, Academic Planning & Budget Maye Chrisman – associate chair, Finance & Administration, Department of Medicine, School of Medicine Kathy Dracup – dean, School of Nursing Jeff Ellis – senior director, Corporate and Foundation Relations, Development Office Joe Guglielmo – chair, Department of Clinical Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy Dina Halme – associate dean for Research and Special Projects, School of Medicine Jay Harris – chief strategy and business development officer, Medical Center Bill Holzemer – professor and associate dean, Department of Community Health Systems, School of Nursing Stella Hsu – associate vice chancellor, Campus Life Services and Facilities Management Reg Kelly – executive director, California Institute for Quantitative Biosciences (QB3) Joel Kirschbaum – director, Office of Technology Management Erik Lium – director, Contracts and Grants (Out of Industry) Susan Moore – director of finance, Medical Center Tony Pogrel – professor and chair, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, School of Dentistry Eric Vermillion – associate vice chancellor, Finance

Related Links:

Executive Budget Committee Approves Principles, Appoints Work Groups UCSF Names Work Group on Administrative and Business Efficiencies UCSF Names Work Group on Academic and Clinical Program Efficiencies